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Campus Safety and Security Policy and

Fire Safety Report




This document has been designed to inform all Students & Employees about the schools Safety and Security for CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., procedures and policies. A copy of the policy is maintained and updated by the School Director and a hard copy can be obtained from said person. The annual disclosure documents are done each year by contacting the local police department and or the building management to compile the statistics used in the report. All crimes are reported based on the calendar year in which the crime was reported to local police agencies or to the School Director/Campus Security Coordinator. The safety of our students and employees is an important concern of the school’s administration. This document explains this school’s policy regarding crime and accident prevention, public safety, criminal and accident reporting procedures, and safety.  Read this document carefully and ask questions if you are confused or uncertain.  


During the first week of new class, at orientation for new students and employees, as well as by October 1st of each year, each student and employee is informed of who to contact in case of Campus Safety & Security procedures and safety practices. We also review with students and employees the need to be responsible for their own security and safety at all times. The orientation includes emergency procedures, preventing crime, how to protect oneself and others from sexual assault. 




Our 6500 sq foot space, which includes the building side parking lot with sidewalk and parking lot and sidewalk directly in front and back of the building. We are located at 3920 Cypress Creek Parkway Suite 210, Houston, TX 77068.




The school and building does NOT assume liability for stolen property. Therefore, students and employees should always keep their personal belongings locked in their lockers or office which have been provided. The school encourages students and employees not to bring expensive jewelry, money, or other valuables to CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC. Such items should be left at home in order to reduce the chance of theft. 


CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., reserves the right to prosecute any and all students and or employees to the full extent of the law for any criminal violation committed on the school premises. The school will take into consideration the specifics of any student who may be accused of a crime on a case-by-case basis, which may include suspension and or termination from the school. 


Criminal violations may include but not limited to the following:

  • Murder

  • Rape

  • Sexual Assault

  • Robbery and or Theft

  • Simple or Aggravated Assault

  • Unlawful consumption or possession of alcohol or other controlled or illegal substance

  • Hate Crime

  • Vandalism

  • Burglary

  • Larceny


Further Preventative Measures Include: 

  1. Students and/or employees shall NOT be permitted to consume illegal or controlled substances, including alcoholic beverages, during school hours or at school functions.

  2. Students and/or employees shall NOT be permitted to have any illegal or otherwise dangerous weapons in their possession or on school property. Such a violation will result in the confiscation of the weapon, possible prosecution, and possible termination from enrollment or employment. 

  3. Students and/or employees must keep their property securely locked in the designated areas in order to prevent theft. 

  4. Students and/or employees must park in the designated areas and should always keep their cars securely locked. 

  5. Students and/or employees must never remain alone within the facility after closing without administrative approval. If approval has been given, the outside door must remain locked at ALL times, and the student/ employee must not allow any unauthorized individual entrance.

  6. All employees should make certain that the office remains securely locked at ALL times. When leaving the office, employees MUST always check the door to ensure it is secure. 

  7. Employees should never lock the facility alone. Two people SHOULD always be present during locking procedures.  The individuals should check to ensure that both have entered their vehicles safely upon leaving the school premises. 

  8.  Students and/or employees shall report hazardous conditions (i.e., faulty or broken equipment, water leaks, chemical spills, exposed electrical wires, etc.) to the School Director for immediate attention. 

  9. The School Director shall handle all such hazards with appropriate caution and expedience. Proper procedures may require the School Director to notify the appropriate agencies (i.e., the poison control center, the Fire department, the power company, etc.) 

  10. Students and/or employees shall not attempt to repair damaged electrical equipment or exposed wires.  Instead, such problems should be reported to the administration. 

  11. Damaged or dangerous structural conditions shall be reported to the School Director immediately. 

  12.  Students and/or employees should handle all equipment within the manufacturer’s specifications. The school will not be responsible for accidents caused by the inappropriate or negligent use of any of its equipment. 

  13. Students and/or employees shall not be permitted to use unauthorized equipment. The school will not accept liability for accidents involving unapproved equipment. 

  14. Students and or employees with unusual or serious health conditions are encouraged to report such conditions upon admission or employment. Arrangements must be made with his or her physician for appropriate preventative measures. All such conditions WILL be kept confidential among school management. 



Only authorized individuals are permitted on the school premises, which includes students, sta#, and service guests.  Individuals who are not a part of the school or receiving a guest service will be considered trespassing and will be prosecuted. All students and sta# have name badges that clearly identify who they are and their role. Service guests are permitted in the building; however, they must at all times be escorted by either a student or sta# member and are limited to the clinic classroom and restroom facilities. 

Maintenance personnel wear identification badges and have access during normal school hours and in the evening to clean the school or conduct maintenance of the facility. All non-staff service providers must check in at the service desk and have a badge clearly indicating their purpose on school premises.


CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., is located inside a commercial building. The owner & management of the building is responsible for Furnishing all Utilities, including Light Fixtures, Elevator Services, Restrooms and cleaning services for CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., office spaces.  In the event of a problem concerning the building or the grounds is to contact a Staff member of Instructor of CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., immediately. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., CEO is responsible for Operation & Maintenance Facility Plan. All EMERGENCY repairs or call forms must be filled out by a staff member and submitted to the CEO as soon as possible for processing.

The following personnel shall be contacted by CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC. CEO or Staff Member

Heating & Air Conditioning: Suzie @ 281-444-1457

Appliance Repair: (Washer, Drier & Refrigerator): Sears Appliance Repair @ 800-469-4663

Pest Control: American Pest Control @ 281-345-0100

Building Structure: (Plumbing, Building, Electrical, Parking & Outside Areas) Suzie @ 281-444-1457

Security: (in case of Emergency) 911

Internet Technical Support: Thang Phan @ 832-330-7290

Carbonite - Backup

Avira - Antivirus

Spy Hunter - Malware 

To ensure safety around equipment & furnishings, all equipment shall be examined by a staff member from CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., during the daily hours of operation. Any threatening problem shall be immediately addressed with regards to personal safety of Champion Beauty College staff, students & clients. Safely remove any faulty equipment of furnishings and place said items in a secure location. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC.,  CEO shall be responsible for implementation & adherence of this policy. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC.,  shall always follow T.D.L.R. (Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation) State Law 16 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 83 (Texas laws and rules are posted on the bulletin board outside of dispensary). CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., CEO shall ensure the building Federal codes (refer to Federal Building codes) and procedures are followed via the building owner and or property Manager. Champion Beauty College is inspected by T.D.L.R. (Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation) on an annual basis.

The Operation & Maintenance Plan shall be made available to staff & students during orientation.

The Operation & Maintenance Plan shall be evaluated on an annual basis and revised as needed by the staff & the Advisory Board Members.



CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., does not have individual campus security. All crimes are reported to the local police department for  investigation and action. We encourage all students and employees to timely report all crimes to the Director or an IMMEDIATE staff member so they can promptly contact the local authorities to address the issue at hand. 


Victims and witnesses are encouraged to report crimes, but it is solely on a voluntary basis. If you  need to seek professional help after having been a victim of a crime, contact the following counseling center:

Victim Service Unit

1200 Travis St.   

Houston, Tx 77002



In the event of a Burglary or Robbery: 

  1. a. Remain calm and agreeable with the culprit(s). 

  2. b. Do NOT attempt any heroic measures. 

  3. c. Report all burglaries to the local police. 

  4. d. When reporting a burglary or robbery: 

    1. Indicate the name of the institution. 

    2. Indicate your name. 

    3. Indicate the date and time of the incident. 

    4. Indicate any injuries if known. 

    5. Indicate the number of suspects involved. 

    6. Indicate any descriptive information. 


In the event of larceny:

  1.  Remain calm and agreeable with those involved. 

  2.  Do not attempt to determine if any person is innocent or guilty. 

  3.  Report all larceny to the local police department for investigation. 

    1.    Indicate the name and address of the school. 

    2.    Indicate your name. 

    3.    Indicate the date and time of the incident. 

    4.    Indicate any injuries if known. 

    5.    Indicate the name(s) of those involved or any witnesses. 

    6.    Indicate any descriptive information. 


  In the event of an accident: 

  1. Report the event to the School Director or manager on duty. 

  2. The School Director or manager on duty will do the following: 

    1.   Determine if emergency help is needed. If so, he or she will call the appropriate agency. 

    2.    Complete an accident report. Include the cause, the name(s) of those involved, the date, the time, the  circumstances, and the explanation of any witnesses. 

    3.    Report all information to the management. 

    4.    If necessary, notify parents and family of the victim(s). 


 In the event of a general emergency:

CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., premises, please notify the CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., administration IMMEDIATELY and remain calm. The school CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., personnel are trained in emergency response and evacuation procedures. The School Director will determine whether a significant emergency exists by evaluating the situation and consulting with local police authorities. If the School Director is not available, contact the Education Leader. If the Education Leader is not available, contact ANY staff member.  If a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or staff occurring on campus exists in which students and staff are in danger, an immediate announcement will be made over the school’s intercom system by the School Director who will notify the student body and staff of the emergency and the steps to follow. The safety of our students and staff is of the utmost importance to us; if in the judgment of the police, it is better to postpone making the announcement in order to assist a victim, or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency, we will do so until it is determined to be safe. Police authorities will be contacted for assistance. Do not exit the building unless you have been directly instructed to do so. It may be safer to stay in the school premises in a lockdown mode. Please listen to all announcements from the School Director and follow the directions given over the intercom; remain calm. The staff will direct you where to go in the event of an emergency in order to ensure your safety. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., will review its evacuation plans and procedures during the orientation on the first day of class or hire, as well as yearly with the student body and staff. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., will also conduct announced emergency response and evacuation tests annually in order for the staff and students to clearly understand the procedures. In the last reporting period the school conducted announced and unannounced emergency response and evacuation tests in order to ensure that students and staff are aware of the procedures to be used in case of a real emergency. 

The test will be conducted by the School Director with the assistance of the school’s staff a minimum of once per calendar year. The tests will be documented in the school’s permanent record and will include an indication of whether the test was announced or unannounced, the date, the time, and the duration of the test. 



In an emergency, evacuation of CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., should proceed as rapidly and safely as possible. 

The plan accounts for two scenarios of evacuation, which are: 

  1.  In-place evacuation: keeping students and staff members in place, but securing the location for the emergency at hand. 

  2. On-site evacuation: movement of students and staff members out of the building affected and relocation to another area near the school. 


  • Evacuate the area of the fire. (Always stay low as smoke and heated gasses collect near the ceiling first.)    

  • Activate the fire alarm (if so equipped). 

  • Call 911, indicating the need for assistance from the fire department and law enforcement. Other communication networks should be identified and utilized in the event that the fire has caused the telephone  system to become out of order. 

  • Evaluate the situation; determine quickly, if possible, the size, nature, and location of the fire within the facility. 

  • Upon the arrival of the fire department, the School Director shall establish contact with the senior fire  department official and coordinate subsequent activities with him or her. 

  • Make certain that all students and staff members are accounted for and safe. Move to another location as  required. A fire deemed in any way to be a threat to the safety of the students or the staff calls for evacuation to  the outside area, away from the building. 

  • Any of the steps above may be done simultaneously as the number of staff members on duty permits. The  decision not to follow any of these steps is justifiable only when there is certainty that there is no imminent  danger. 

  • If the fire is small, any of the facility’s fire extinguishers may be used to extinguish it, if the staff member has  received proper training. Although there should be no hesitation regarding the use of fire extinguishers, the  fighting of any fire by staff members should be undertaken only if there is no imminent danger.



  1. A. MINOR 

    1. Treat with medical supplies on hand. 

    2. Evaluate periodically to see if further medical attention is required. 


  1. B. MAJOR 

    1. Employ First aid techniques as trained, if needed. 

    2. Contact 911 if immediate medical attention is required. 

    3. If an illness or an injury requires a doctor’s care, but emergency services are not required, the staff  members  should then arrange for transportation to the emergency room, clinic, or hospital.



  1. Any bomb threat should be treated as real until proven otherwise. 

  2. Unidenti!ed or suspicious objects should be reported to the authorities. 

  3. Evacuation should be to an outdoor area as far from the building as safely possible. The area to be evacuated  should be searched quickly before evacuation. 

  4. Upon arrival of law enforcement authorities, the facility director, or designee, will assist with the search (i.e.,  unlocking doors, identifying strange or suspicious objects, etc.) 

  5. The appropriate authorities should be consulted prior to reentry into the building. 




  1. If any staff  member or student smells gas, act quickly. 

  2. Open windows immediately. 

  3. Call 911 and report the possible gas leak. 

  4. Do not turn any electrical switches on OR off. Eliminate all Names. 

  5. Check all gas taps and turn them off. 

  6. If necessary, turn off the gas main. The shutoff valve is next to the meter. 

  7. If the gas odor remains strong, evacuate the area immediately. 

  8. Do not return to the building until the Fire department announces it is safe. 



In the event of a Fire, bomb threat, electrical, chemical, or other emergency that would require the evacuation of the building, all staff members should adhere to the following: 

  1. Call 911, indicating the need for assistance from the local fire department and law enforcement. 

  2. Make certain all students and staff members are accounted for and are safe. 

  3. Evacuate all students and staff members to an area as far from the building as safely practical.

    1. Adhere to predetermined evacuation routes, if possible; however, do not hesitate to adjust these routes to  avoid dangerous areas. 

    2. All students and sta# members with special needs are to be assisted as needed. 

  4. Conduct a second head count for students and staff members. 

  5. Notify the School Director as soon as possible. 

  6. Do not approach or reenter the building until consultation with proper authorities. 


  1. The safe place designated by the School Director is the Barber Theory Room (back by Admissions Office)

    1. All students and staff  will be moved to the designated location. 

    2. Maintain Flashlight and voice contact among staff members at all times. 

    3. Make sure to conduct a head count before moving to a safe place, after arriving at a safe place, and after leaving the  designated area. 

  2. After there is absolute certainty that the storm has passed: 

    1. The staff  members should conduct a head count. 

    2. Provide any necessary First aid and call 911 for any necessary response agencies. 

    3. Check the entire building for any damages such as fire, water, or structural. 

    4. Turn on and test utilities. 

  3. Notify the School Director as soon as possible with an update of conditions. 

  4. Notify any agents that services are needed. 



All criminal activity and accidents that occur on the school premises must be reported to CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., Director who must keep a confidential file on the circumstances surrounding each incident. The School Director must make the information available to the employees and students, although he or she will keep personal information, such as names, confidential. The school may withhold information if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the Information would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual; cause a suspect to flee or evade detection; or result in the destruction of evidence. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., will only withhold that information that would cause the adverse effect described. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., will disclose any information withheld once the adverse effect described is no longer likely to occur. 

The School Director shall use the following procedures for informing students and employees of criminal activity and accidents: 

  1. Each week during weekly announcements, a general account of any criminal activity that may have  occurred will be given. 

  2. Each week, a general account of any criminal incident and/or accident will be posted in the lounge for student  access. Confidential information will not be available. 

  3. A confidential file will be kept that describes each accident and criminal incident in detail. The file must include  dates, times, names, extenuating circumstances, agencies notified, etc. 

  4. During the announcements, emphasis will be placed on accident and crime prevention. 

  5. Statistics regarding the incidence of rape, burglary, drug violations, motor vehicle theft, murder, and simple or  aggravated assaults that occurred within the institution will be available to any and all students and/or  employees upon request. 

  6. Statistics concerning the number of arrests for on-campus crimes of murder, forcible and non-forcible sex  offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, liquor law violations, drug law violations,  illegal weapon possessions, arson, negligent manslaughter, and non-negligent manslaughter during the calendar years of and are listed below in chart.

  7. The school will identify where on campus the crime occurred, such as in the school building, in front of the school, or in the parking lot. 



Type of Crime on Campus

# of Occurrences 

# of Arrest


    2020        2021     2022

2020        2021       2022


0               0            0

0               0            0

Criminal Homicide

0               0            0

0               0            0

Sex Offenses

0               0            0

0               0            0


0               0            0

0               0            0

Aggravated Assault

0               0            0

0               0            0


0               0            0

0               0            0

Vehicle Theft

0               0            0

0               0            0


0               0            0

0               0            0

Liquor Violations

0               0            0

0               0            0

Drug Violations

0               0            0

0               0            0

Weapons Possessions

0               0            0

0               0            0

Negligent Manslaughter

0               0            0

0               0            0

Non-Negligent Manslaughter

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Race

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Gender

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crimebased on Religion

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on National Origin

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Gender Identity

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Sexual Orientation

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Ethnicity

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Disability

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Larceny

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Theft

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Simple Assault

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Intimidation

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Destruction of Property

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Damage of Property

0               0            0

0               0            0

Hate Crime based on Vandalism

0               0            0

0               0            0


When listing crimes committed on the school campus, we will use the FBI’s UCR program and the Hierarchy  Rule when more than one offense was committed during a single incident. If arson is committed, the school  will always record the arson in its statistics, regardless of whether or not it occurs in the same incident as  another crime. If rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape occurs in the same incident as murder, the school will  record both the sex offense and the murder in its statistics. The school will also compile the crime statistics  for murder, and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault,  burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, liquor law violations, drug law violations, and Illegal weapons possession  using the de!nitions of those crimes from the Summary Reporting System User Manual from the FBI’s UCR  Program.  

*The school will separately report any hate crimes by category of prejudice and by type of crime, if any are reported during the reporting period. 

**The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive  possession of another. Attempted larcenies are included. 

***To unlawfully place another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words  and/or other conduct, but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack. 

****To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure real or personal property without  the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. 

An incident must meet three conditions to be classified as a burglary. 

  1. First, there must be evidence of unlawful  entry (trespass). Both forcible entry and unlawful entry — no force are counted. 

  2. Second, the unlawful entry  must occur within a structure, which is defined as having four walls, a roof, and a door. 

  3. Finally, the unlawful  entry into a structure must show evidence that the entry was made in order to commit a felony or theft. If the  intent was not to commit a felony or theft, or if the intent cannot be determined, the proper classification is  larceny.  

The following number of students was referred to campus disciplinary action for the following violations: 

Type of Crime on Campus

# of Occurrences 

# of Arrest


    2020        2021     2022

2020        2021       2022

Liquor Law Violations

0               0            0

0               0            0

Drug Violations

0               0            0

0               0            0

Weapons Possessions

0               0            0

0               0            0


The following Drug-Free Workplace Policy is to notify all employees and students that pursuant to the Federal  Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., prohibits being under the influence, the unlawful distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace, on school property, or as part of any school activity, as well as any other unlawful conduct involving alcohol. The drug-free workplace consists of all locations where CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., does business. This includes, but is not limited to, all lecture classrooms, parking lots, all administrative offices, corridors, storage rooms, and any space added to the school or property.

Health Risks: 

The abuse of narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, or alcohol can cause serious detriment to a person’s health. The health risks associated with the misuse of the previously mentioned drugs vary, but  may include, and are not limited to: convulsions, coma, paralysis, irreversible brain damage, tremors, fatigue,  paranoia, insomnia, and possible death. Drug and alcohol abuse is extremely harmful to a person’s health  and interferes with productivity and alertness. Working while under the influence of drugs or alcohol could  be a danger to the individual under the influence, coworkers, and students. Described below are additional dangers and symptoms relative to use and/or abuse. 


Regardless whether or not the state allows the use of marijuana or medical marijuana, at the federal level, marijuana remains classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, in which Schedule I substances are considered to have a high potential for dependency and no accepted medical use, making distribution or use of marijuana a federal offense. Therefore, regardless of the circumstance, marijuana cannot be brought to or used on the school’s campus. 

Drug Conviction Notification and Imposed Sanctions: 

  • Any employee or student must notify CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., of any criminal drug statute convictions for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such a conviction. 

  • Within 30 days after receiving notice of an employee or student conviction, 

will impose corrective measures on the employee or student convicted of drug abuse violations in the workplace by: 

  • Taking appropriate action against the employee or student up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution and/or 3 Requiring such employee or student to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or  rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement,  or other appropriate agency. 

  • Students will receive a copy of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy at the time of initial enrollment. The enrollment agreement signed by every student will acknowledge receipt of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy. 

  • Staff employees will receive a copy of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy with the initial employment agreement. It will be read, and the signature page will be returned with the employment agreement. Annually, the human resources department will be responsible for distributing the policy to current sta# employees. 

  • Biennial Review 

  • The school conducts a biennial review of its Drug-Free Workplace Policy to determine the program’s  effectiveness, any needed changes, the number of drug- and alcohol-related violations and fatalities, and the  number and type of sanctions imposed. Contact the School Director to request a copy of the biennial review.


This document has been designed to inform all students and employees of the Violence Against Women Act and outlines’s commitment to the health and safety of its  students and employees. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC.,  strictly prohibits any student or staff member from engaging in any crime  outlined under the Violence Against Women Act, including the crimes of dating violence, domestic violence,  sexual assault, and stalking, and is committed to taking the necessary steps to investigate any allegations of  wrongdoing. This annual disclosure document is done each year by contacting the local police department  and/or the building management to compile the statistics used in the report. Victims or witnesses to a crime  on the school premises may report the crime to the School Director/Campus Security Coordinator on a  con!dential basis for inclusion into the in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. This document explains  the institution’s policy regarding crime prevention, public safety, and criminal reporting procedures. This  document will be provided to all prospective students and sta#, as well as be reviewed with all students  during orientation and with sta# at the time of hire.  


Procedures for Victims of Domestic Violence 

If a student or staff member is a victim of domestic violence, inform the victim that he or she has the option  to notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities, including the local police and for medical assistance. If  the victim wants the School Director/Campus Security Coordinator to notify the authorities, he or she will call  (911) for medical assistance and to alert the police. The School Director and a representative from the police department will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision, including where applicable, restraining orders, orders for protection, no contact orders, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal or civil court. 

The school and police strongly advocate that a victim of domestic violence report the incident in a timely  manner. Time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. Filing a police report will ensure that  a victim receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim; and it provides the  opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later. It is important  to preserve evidence for the proof of a criminal offense, so do not disturb the area surrounding the incident. 

The student or staff member can file a complaint with the School Director.  The complaint should outline all details of the event and include a list of any witnesses or documentation to  help support the allegations of domestic violence. The complaint should be filed as soon as possible after the  occurrence of domestic violence has taken place.  

If a student or employee is a victim of domestic violence, he or she may request a change in his or her  academic or work schedule, such as moving from night to day classes, or from a full-time to a part-time  schedule; the school may also change the alleged perpetrator’s schedule to prevent interaction with the  victim until the complaint has been investigated thoroughly. The school will make available to the student a leave  of absence or opportunity to drop and re enroll at a later date without incurring any additional charges or  penalties. The school’s Financial Aid Leader will meet with the victim to discuss his or her options regarding  loan repayment or financial aid options. These, as well as other options will be provided to the alleged victim  in writing, regardless of whether or not the victim chooses to report the crime to the police or file a complaint  with the school; please notify the School Director.

If a student is alleged to having committed domestic violence, that student will have the right to a prompt,  fair, and impartial investigation and hearing before the School Director r and two  additional employees of the school’s administration, who have received annual training on issues related to  domestic violence and how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects both the safety of  the victim and promotes accountability and do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the accuser  or the accused. The accused and the victim will each be allowed to have others present, including an advisor  of their choice to accompany them throughout the hearing. The standard of evidence in this case requires  clear and convincing evidence that the incident more than likely occurred.  

The school’s policy is to investigate the allegations and conduct a hearing within thirty days of receiving the  complaint. If necessary, the school’s investigative team may need additional time in order to properly conduct  a review of the alleged incident and to come to a fair conclusion; however, the school will make every effort  to expedite the review process. If an extension of time is needed to conduct the investigation and hearing for  good cause, the school will send a written notification to the accuser and the accused of the delay and the  reason for the delay.  

The proceedings will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the school’s policies and transparent to  the accuser and accused, which includes timely notice of meetings at which the accuser or accused, or both,  may be present; provides timely and equal access to the accuser, the accused, and appropriate officials to any  information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings; and that will be  conducted by school officials who do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the  accused. Proceeding means all activities related to a non-criminal resolution of an institutional disciplinary  complaint, including, but not limited to, fact-finding investigations, formal or informal meetings, and hearings.  Proceeding does not include communications and meetings between officials and victims concerning  accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a victim. The accuser and the accused are entitled  to the same opportunities to have an advisor of their choice present during the disciplinary proceeding,  including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding. The school may establish  restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in the proceedings, as long as the  restrictions apply equally to both parties. The appropriate school officials will meet upon the conclusion of  the hearing to discuss the facts of the complaint and to render a decision. Both the accuser and the accused  will simultaneously be informed in writing of the outcome and any institutional disciplinary proceeding, the  opportunity for appeal and the notification of the outcome of any appeal before the results become !nal,  and when the results of the proceedings become !nal. The results include any initial, interim, or final decision  by the school regarding any sanctions imposed, as well as the rationale for the results and any sanctions.  In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act, the school is required to publish the results of the  hearing(s); however, the names of the individuals involved will be withheld. Result means any initial, interim, and final decision by any official or entity authorized to resolve disciplinary matters within the institution. The result must include any sanctions imposed by the institution. Notwithstanding section 444 of the General  Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g), commonly referred to as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy  Act (FERPA), the result must also include the rationale for the result and the sanctions.

A student found guilty of violating the school’s domestic violence policy could be criminally prosecuted in  the state courts and may be reprimanded, sent to counseling, placed on probation, suspended, or expelled  from the school for the first offense. Any information obtained during the school’s investigation process will  be shared with any parallel law enforcement investigation upon receipt of a court subpoena of the school’s  records.  

The school will protect the confidentiality of the victim(s) in accordance with the law. In some cases, the school  may need to disclose some information about a victim to a third party to provide necessary accommodations  or protective measures. CHAMPION BEAUTY COLLEGE INC., will only disclose information that is necessary to provide the  accommodations or protective measures and will carefully consider who may have access to this information  to minimize the risk to a victim’s con!dentiality. The school will inform the victim before sharing personally  identifiable information about him or her and only if it is necessary to provide an accommodation or  protective measure. Compliance with these provisions of the Violence Against Women Act does not constitute  a violation of Section 444 of the General Education Provision Act (20U.S.C. 1232g), commonly referred to as the  Family Education Rights to Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). 

Any student or employee who reports to the school that he or she has been a victim of domestic violence,  whether the offense occurred on or off campus, shall be provided with a written explanation of the student’s  or employee’s rights and options. No officer, employee, or agent of the school shall retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising his or her rights or responsibilities under any provision of the Violence Against Women Act. 

What is sexual assault? 

  • Federal Definition: Any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances  where the victim is incapable of giving consent. Sexual assault is an offense that meets the de!nition of rape,  fondling, incest, or statutory rape. Rape is the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with  any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the  victim. Fondling is the touching of the private parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification,  without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because  of his or her age or because of his or her temporary or permanent mental incapacity. Incest is the sexual  intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited  by law. Statutory rape is sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent. 

  • Local Jurisdiction Definition: Sexual assault, commonly known as rape, occurs when a defendant -- intentionally and knowingly -- commits any of a number of prohibited sexual activities listed under Texas' sexual assault law without the victim's consent. For purposes of Texas sexual assault law, a "child" is a person younger than 17 years of age.

Procedures for Victims of Sexual Assault:

If a student or staff member is a victim of sexual assault, inform the victim that he or she has the option to  notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities, including the local police and for medical assistance. If  the victim wants the School Director  to notify the authorities, he or she will call  (911) for medical assistance and to alert the police. The School Director and a representative from the police department will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision, including where applicable, restraining orders, orders for protection, no contact orders, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal or civil court. 

The school and police strongly advocate that a victim of sexual assault report the incident in a timely manner.  Time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. Filing a police report will ensure that a  victim receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim; and it provides the  opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later. It is important  to preserve evidence for the proof of a criminal offense, so do not disturb the area surrounding the incident.  A student or staff member can file a complaint with the School Director. The  complaint should outline all details of the event and include a list of any witnesses or documentation to  help support the allegations of sexual assault. The complaint should be filed as soon as possible after the  occurrence of sexual assault has taken place.  

If a student or employee is a victim of sexual assault, he or she may request a change in his or her academic  or work schedule, such as moving from night to day classes, or from a full-time to a part-time schedule; the  school may also change the alleged perpetrator’s schedule to prevent interaction with the victim until the  complaint has been investigated thoroughly. The school will also help with transportation or housing issues  to accommodate the alleged victim, or any other protective measures (such as how to !le for a protective  order) that may be deemed necessary. The school will make available to the student a leave of absence or  opportunity to drop and re enroll at a later date without incurring any additional charges or penalties. The  school’s Financial Aid Leader will meet with the victim to discuss his or her options regarding loan repayment  or !nancial aid options. These, as well as other options will be provided to the alleged victim in writing,  regardless of whether or not the victim chooses to report the crime to the police or !le a complaint with the  school; please notify the School Director.

Hearing Process:

If a student is alleged to having committed sexual assault, that student will have the right to a prompt, fair,  and impartial investigation and hearing before the School Director and two  additional employees of the school’s administration, who have received annual training on issues related to  sexual assault and how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects both the safety of the  victim and promotes accountability and do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or  the accused. The accused and the victim will each be allowed to have others present, including an advisor of  their choice to accompany them throughout the hearing. The standard of evidence in this case requires clear  and convincing evidence that the incident more than likely occurred.  

The school’s policy is to investigate the allegations and conduct a hearing within thirty days of receiving the  complaint. If necessary, the school’s investigative team may need additional time in order to properly conduct  a review of the alleged incident and to come to a fair conclusion; however, the school will make every effort  to expedite the review process. If an extension of time is needed to conduct the investigation and hearing for  good cause, the school will send a written notification to the accuser and the accused of the delay and the  reason for the delay. 

The proceedings will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the school’s policies and is transparent  to the accuser and accused, which includes timely notice of meetings at which the accuser or accused, or  both, may be present; provides timely and equal access to the accuser, the accused, and appropriate officials  to any information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings; and  that will be conducted by school officials who do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the  accuser or the accused. Proceeding means all activities related to a non-criminal resolution of an institutional  disciplinary complaint, including, but not limited to, fact-finding investigations, formal or informal meetings,  and hearings. Proceeding does not include communications and meetings between officials and victims  concerning accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a victim. The accuser and the accused  are entitled to the same opportunities to have an advisor of their choice present during the disciplinary  proceeding, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding. The school  may establish restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in the proceedings, as  long as the restrictions apply equally to both parties. The appropriate school officials will meet upon the  conclusion of the hearing to discuss the facts of the complaint and to render a decision. Both the accuser  and the accused will simultaneously be informed in writing of the outcome and any institutional disciplinary  proceeding, the opportunity for appeal and the notification of the outcome of any appeal before the results  become !nal, and when the results of the proceedings become !nal. The results include any initial, interim, or  !nal decision by the school regarding any sanctions imposed, as well as the rationale for the results and any  sanctions. In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act, the school is required to publish the results of  the hearing(s); however, the names of the individuals involved will be withheld.  Result means any initial, interim, and final decision by any official or entity authorized to resolve disciplinary matters within the institution. The result must include any sanctions imposed by the institution Notwithstanding section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g), commonly referred  to as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the result must also include the rationale for the  result and the sanctions. 

A student found guilty of violating the school’s sexual assault policy could be criminally prosecuted in the  state courts and may be reprimanded, sent to counseling, placed on probation, suspended, or expelled from  the school for the !rst offense. Any information obtained during the school’s investigation process will be  shared with any parallel law enforcement investigation upon receipt of a court subpoena of the school’s  records.  

The school will protect the confidentiality of the victim(s) in accordance with the law. In some cases, the school  may need to disclose some information about a victim to a third party to provide necessary accommodations  or protective measures. The school will only disclose information that is necessary to provide the  accommodations or protective measures requested and will carefully consider who may have access to this  information to minimize the risk to a victim’s con!dentiality. The school will inform the victim before sharing  personally identifiable information about him or her and only if it is necessary to provide an accommodation  or protective measure. Compliance with these provisions of the Violence Against Women Act does not  constitute a violation of Section 444 of the General Education Provision Act (20U.S.C. 1232g), commonly  referred to as the Family Education Rights to Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). 

Any student or employee who reports to the school that he or she has been a victim of sexual assault, whether  the offense occurred on or o# campus, shall be provided with a written explanation of the student’s or  employee’s rights and options. No officer, employee, or agent of the school shall retaliate, intimidate, threaten,  coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising his or her rights or responsibilities under  any provision of the Violence Against Women Act. 


What is dating violence? 

  • Federal Definition: Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature  with the victim. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s  statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency  of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. For the purposes of this de!nition, dating  violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse. Dating violence  does not include acts covered under the de!nition of domestic violence. For the purposes of complying  with the requirements of section § 668.41, any incident meeting this de!nition is considered a crime for the  purposes of Clery Act reporting. 

  • Local Jurisdiction Definition: DATING VIOLENCE. (a) "Dating violence" means an act by an individual that is against another individual with whom that person has or has had a dating relationship and that is intended to result in physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault or that is a threat that reasonably places the individual in fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault, but does not include defensive measures to protect oneself.

  • National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline: 1-866-331-9474

Procedures for Victims of Dating Violence 

If a student or staff member is a victim of dating violence, inform the victim that he or she has the option to  notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities, including the local police and for medical assistance. If  the victim wants the School Director to notify the authorities, he or she will call  (911) for medical assistance and to alert the police. The School Director  and a representative from the police department will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision, including where applicable, restraining orders, orders for protection, no contact orders, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal or civil court. 

The school and police strongly advocate that a victim of dating violence report the incident in a timely  manner. Time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. Filing a police report will ensure that  a victim receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim; and it provides the  opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later. It is important  to preserve evidence for the proof of a criminal offense, so do not disturb the area surrounding the incident.  A student or staff member can file a complaint with the School Director/Campus Security Coordinator. The  complaint should outline all details of the event and include a list of any witnesses or documentation to  help support the allegations of dating violence. The complaint should be !led as soon as possible after the  occurrence of dating violence has taken place.  

If a student or employee is a victim of dating violence, he or she may request a change in his or her academic  or work schedule, such as moving from night to day classes, or from a full-time to a part-time schedule; the  school may also change the alleged perpetrator’s schedule to prevent interaction with the victim until the  complaint has been investigated thoroughly. The school will also help with transportation or housing issues  to accommodate the alleged victim, or any other protective measures (such as how to !le for a protective  order) that may be deemed necessary. The school will make available to the student a leave of absence or  opportunity to drop and re enroll at a later date without incurring any additional charges or penalties. The  school’s Financial Aid Leader will meet with the victim to discuss his or her options regarding loan repayment  or financial aid options. These, as well as other options will be provided to the alleged victim in writing,  regardless of whether or not the victim chooses to report the crime to the police or file a complaint with the  school; please notify the School Director.

If a student is alleged to having committed dating violence, that student will have the right to a prompt, fair,  and impartial investigation and hearing before the School Director  and two  additional employees of the school’s administration, who have received annual training on issues related to  dating violence and how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects both the safety of the  victim and promotes accountability and do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or  the accused. The accused and the victim will each be allowed to have others present, including an advisor of  their choice to accompany them throughout the hearing. The standard of evidence in this case requires clear  and convincing evidence that the incident more than likely occurred.  

The school’s policy is to investigate the allegations and conduct a hearing within thirty days of receiving the  complaint. If necessary, the school’s investigative team may need additional time in order to properly conduct  a review of the alleged incident and to come to a fair conclusion; however, the school will make every effort  to expedite the review process. If an extension of time is needed to conduct the investigation and hearing for  good cause, the school will send a written notification to the accuser and the accused of the delay and the  reason for the delay.  

The proceedings will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the school’s policies and is transparent  to the accuser and accused, which includes timely notice of meetings at which the accuser or accused, or both,  may be present; provides timely and equal access to the accuser, the accused, and appropriate officials to any  information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings; and that will be  conducted by school officials who do not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the  accused. Proceeding means all activities related to a non-criminal resolution of an institutional disciplinary  complaint, including, but not limited to, fact-finding investigations, formal or informal meetings, and hearings.  Proceeding does not include communications and meetings between officials and victims concerning  accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a victim. The accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have an advisor of their choice present during the disciplinary proceeding,  including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding. The school may establish  restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in the proceedings, as long as the  restrictions apply equally to both parties. The appropriate school officials will meet upon the conclusion of  the hearing to discuss the facts of the complaint and to render a decision. Both the accuser and the accused  will simultaneously be informed in writing of the outcome and any institutional disciplinary proceeding, the  opportunity for appeal and the notification of the outcome of any appeal before the results become final,  and when the results of the proceedings become !nal. The results include any initial, interim, or final decision  by the school regarding any sanctions imposed, as well as the rationale for the results and any sanctions.  In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act, the school is required to publish the results of the  hearing(s); however, the names of the individuals involved will be withheld. 

Result means any initial, interim, and final decision by any official or entity authorized to resolve disciplinary matters within the institution. The result must include any sanctions imposed by the institution. Notwithstanding section 444 of the General  Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g), commonly referred to as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the result must also include the rationale for the result and the sanctions. 


A student found guilty of violating the school’s dating violence policy could be criminally prosecuted in  the state courts and may be reprimanded, sent to counseling, placed on probation, suspended, or expelled  from the school for the first offense. Any information obtained during the school’s investigation process will  be shared with any parallel law enforcement investigation upon receipt of a court subpoena of the school’s  records.  

The school will protect the confidentiality of the victim(s) in accordance with the law. In some cases, the school  may need to disclose some information about a victim to a third party to provide necessary accommodations  or protective measures. The school will only disclose information that is necessary to provide the  accommodations or protective measures requested and will carefully consider who may have access to this  information to minimize the risk to a victim’s con!dentiality. The school will inform the victim before sharing  personally identifiable information about him or her and only if it is necessary to provide an accommodation  or protective measure. Compliance with these provisions of the Violence Against Women Act does not  constitute a violation of Section 444 of the General Education Provision Act (20U.S.C. 1232g), commonly  referred to as the Family Education Rights to Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). 

Any student or employee who reports to the school that he or she has been a victim of dating violence,  whether the offense occurred on or o# campus, shall be provided with a written explanation of the student’s  or employee’s rights and options. No officer, employee, or agent of the school shall retaliate, intimidate,  threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising his or her rights or  responsibilities under any provision of the Violence Against Women Act. 

What is stalking? 

  • Federal Definition: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear  for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress. For the purposes of this  de!nition, course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker  directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors,  observes, surveys, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property.  Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the  victim. Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not  necessarily lead to professional treatment or counseling. For the purposes of complying with the requirements  of this regulation, any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery Act  reporting.

  • Local Jurisdiction Definition: A stalker tries to control his or her victim through behavior or threats intended to intimidate and terrify. A stalker can be an unknown person, an acquaintance or a former intimate partner. A stalker's state of mind can range from obsessive love to obsessive hatred. A stalker may follow a victim off and on for a period of days, weeks, or even years. A stalking victim feels reasonable fear of bodily injury or death to self or to a family or household member or damage to property. Stalking can be perpetrated by the stalker or by someone acting on her/his behalf. Stalking can take the form of verbal threats or threats conveyed by the stalker's conduct, threatening mail, property damage, surveillance of the victim, or by following the victim.

  • If you feel you are being stalked and in immediate danger, call 911 for assistance. 


Procedures for Victims of Stalking 

If a student or staff member is a victim of stalking, inform the victim that he or she has the option to notify the  appropriate law enforcement authorities, including the local police and for medical assistance. If the victim  wants the School Director  to notify the authorities, he or she will call (911) for  medical assistance if needed and/or to alert the police. The School Director  and  a representative from the police department will guide the victim through the available options and support  the victim in his or her decision, including where applicable, restraining orders, orders for protection, no contact orders, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal or civil court.  

The school and police strongly advocate that a victim of stalking report the incident in a timely manner. Time  is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. Filing a police report will ensure that a victim  receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, if needed, at no expense to the victim; and it provides the  opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later. It is important  to preserve evidence for the proof of a criminal offense. 

A student or staff member can file a complaint with the School Director. The  complaint should outline all details of the event and include a list of any witnesses or documentation to help  support the allegations of stalking. The complaint should be !led as soon as possible after the occurrence of  stalking has taken place.  

If a student or employee is a victim of stalking, he or she may request a change in his or her academic or work  schedule, such as moving from night to day classes, or from a full-time to a part-time schedule; the school may  also change the alleged perpetrator’s schedule to prevent interaction with the victim until the complaint has  been investigated thoroughly. The school will also help with transportation or housing issues to accommodate  the alleged victim, or any other protective measures (such as how to !le for a protective order) that may  be deemed necessary. The school will make available to the student a leave of absence or opportunity to  drop and re enroll at a later date without incurring any additional charges or penalties. The school’s Financial  Aid Leader will meet with the victim to discuss his or her options regarding loan repayment or financial aid options. These, as well as other options will be provided to the alleged victim  in writing, regardless of whether or not the victim chooses to report the crime to the police or file a complaint with the school; please notify the School Director.

Hearing Process:

If a student is alleged to having committed stalking, that student will have the right to a prompt, fair, and  impartial investigation and hearing before the School Director and two  additional employees of the school’s administration, who have received annual training on issues related to  stalking and how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects both the safety of the victim  and promotes accountability and do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the  accused The accused and the victim will each be allowed to have others present, including an advisor of their  choice to accompany them throughout the hearing. The standard of evidence in this case requires clear and  convincing evidence that the incident more than likely occurred.  

The school’s policy is to investigate the allegations and conduct a hearing within thirty days of receiving the  complaint. If necessary, the school’s investigative team may need additional time in order to properly conduct  a review of the alleged incident and to come to a fair conclusion; however, the school will make every effort  to expedite the review process. If an extension of time is needed to conduct the investigation and hearing for  good cause, the school will send a written notification to the accuser and the accused of the delay and the  reason for the delay.  

The proceedings will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the school’s policies and is transparent  to the accuser and accused, which includes timely notice of meetings at which the accuser or accused, or both,  may be present; provides timely and equal access to the accuser, the accused, and appropriate officials to any  information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings; and that will be  conducted by school officials who do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the  accused. Proceeding means all activities related to a non-criminal resolution of an institutional disciplinary  complaint, including, but not limited to, fact-finding investigations, formal or informal meetings, and hearings.  Proceeding does not include communications and meetings between officials and victims concerning  accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a victim. The accuser and the accused are entitled  to the same opportunities to have an advisor of their choice present during the disciplinary proceeding,  including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding. The school may establish  restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in the proceedings, as long as the  restrictions apply equally to both parties. The appropriate school officials will meet upon the conclusion of  the hearing to discuss the facts of the complaint and to render a decision. Both the accuser and the accused  will simultaneously be informed in writing of the outcome and any institutional disciplinary proceeding, the  opportunity for appeal and the notification of the outcome of any appeal before the results become !nal,  and when the results of the proceedings become !nal. The results include any initial, interim, or final decision  by the school regarding any sanctions imposed, as well as the rationale for the results and any sanctions.  In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act, the school is required to publish the results of the  hearing(s); however, the names of the individuals involved will be withheld. Result means any initial, interim,  and final decision by any official or entity authorized to resolve disciplinary matters within the institution. The  result must include any sanctions imposed by the institution. Notwithstanding section 444 of the General  Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g), commonly referred to as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy  Act (FERPA), the result must also include the rationale for the result and the sanctions. 

A student found guilty of violating the school’s stalking policy could be criminally prosecuted in the state  courts and may be reprimanded, sent to counseling, placed on probation, suspended, or expelled from the  school for the first offense. Any information obtained during the school’s investigation process will be shared  with any parallel law enforcement investigation upon receipt of a court subpoena of the school’s records.  


The school will protect the confidentiality of the victim(s) in accordance with the law. In some cases, the school  may need to disclose some information about a victim to a third party to provide necessary accommodations  or protective measures. The school will only disclose information that is necessary to provide the  accommodations or protective measures requested and will carefully consider who may have access to this  information to minimize the risk to a victim’s con!dentiality. The school will inform the victim before sharing  personally identifiable information about him or her and only if it is necessary to provide an accommodation  or protective measure. Compliance with these provisions of the Violence Against Women Act does not  constitute a violation of Section 444 of the General Education Provision Act (20U.S.C. 1232g), commonly  referred to as the Family Education Rights to Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). 

Any student or employee who reports to the school that he or she has been a victim of stalking, whether the  offense occurred on or o# campus, shall be provided with a written explanation of the student’s or employee’s  rights and options. No officer, employee, or agent of the school shall retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce,  or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising his or her rights or responsibilities under any  provision of the Violence Against Women Act. 

What is rape? 

  • Federal De!nition: Rape is de!ned as penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or  oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. 

  • Local Jurisdiction Definition: Sec. 22.01. ASSAULT. (a) A person commits an offense if the person: 

    • (1) intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another, including the person's spouse; 

    • (2) intentionally or knowingly threatens another with imminent bodily injury, including the person's spouse; or 

    • (3) intentionally or knowingly causes physical contact with another when the person knows or should reasonably believe that the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.


Procedures for Victims of Rape: 

If a student or staff member is a victim of rape, inform the victim that he or she has the option to notify  the appropriate law enforcement authorities, including the local police and for medical assistance. If the  victim wants the School Director  to notify the authorities, he or she will call  (911) for medical assistance and to alert the police. The School Director and a representative from the police department will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision, including where applicable, restraining orders, orders for protection, no contact orders, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal or civil court. 

The school and police strongly advocate that a victim of rape report the incident in a timely manner. Time is a  critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. Filing a police report will ensure that a victim receives  the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim; and it provides the opportunity for  collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later. It is important to preserve  evidence for the proof of a criminal offense, so do not disturb the area surrounding the incident.  

A student or staff member can file a complaint with the School Director. The  complaint should outline all details of the event and include a list of any witnesses or documentation to help  support the allegations of rape. The complaint should be filed as soon as possible after the occurrence of rape  has taken place.  

If a student or employee is a victim of rape, he or she may request a change in his or her academic or work  schedule, such as moving from night to day classes, or from a full-time to a part-time schedule; the school may  also change the alleged perpetrator’s schedule to prevent interaction with the victim until the complaint has  been investigated thoroughly. The school will also help with transportation or housing issues to accommodate  the alleged victim, or any other protective measures (such as how to !le for a protective order) that may  be deemed necessary. The school will make available to the student a leave of absence or opportunity to  drop and re enroll at a later date without incurring any additional charges or penalties. The school’s Financial  Aid Leader will meet with the victim to discuss his or her options regarding loan repayment or financial aid  options. These, as well as other options will be provided to the alleged victim in writing, regardless of whether  or not the victim chooses to report the crime to the police or file a complaint with the school; please notify the School Director.


Hearing Process: 

If a student is alleged to having committed rape, that student will have the right to a prompt, fair, and  impartial investigation and hearing before the School Director and two  additional employees of the school’s administration, who have received annual training on issues related to  rape and how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects both the safety of the victim and  promotes accountability and do not have a con$ict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the accused.  The accused and the victim will each be allowed to have others present, including an advisor of their choice to  accompany them throughout the hearing. The standard of evidence in this case requires clear and convincing  evidence that the incident more than likely occurred.  

The school’s policy is to investigate the allegations and conduct a hearing within thirty days of receiving the  complaint. If necessary, the school’s investigative team may need additional time in order to properly conduct  a review of the alleged incident and to come to a fair conclusion; however, the school will make every effort  to expedite the review process. If an extension of time is needed to conduct the investigation and hearing for  good cause, the school will send a written notification to the accuser and the accused of the delay and the  reason for the delay.  

The proceedings will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the school’s policies and is transparent  to the accuser and accused, which includes timely notice of meetings at which the accuser or accused, or both,  may be present; provides timely and equal access to the accuser, the accused, and appropriate officials to any  information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings; and that will be  conducted by school officials who do not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the  accused. Proceeding means all activities related to a non-criminal resolution of an institutional disciplinary  complaint, including, but not limited to, fact-finding investigations, formal or informal meetings, and hearings.  Proceeding does not include communications and meetings between officials and victims concerning  accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a victim. The accuser and the accused are entitled  to the same opportunities to have an advisor of their choice present during the disciplinary proceeding,  including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding. The school may establish  restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in the proceedings, as long as the  restrictions apply equally to both parties. The appropriate school officials will meet upon the conclusion of  the hearing to discuss the facts of the complaint and to render a decision. Both the accuser and the accused  will simultaneously be informed in writing of the outcome and any institutional disciplinary proceeding, the  opportunity for appeal and the notification of the outcome of any appeal before the results become !nal,  and when the results of the proceedings become !nal. The results include any initial, interim, or !nal decision  by the school regarding any sanctions imposed, as well as the rationale for the results and any sanctions.  In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act, the school is required to publish the results of the  hearing(s); however, the names of the individuals involved will be withheld. Result means any initial, interim, and final decision by any official or entity authorized to resolve disciplinary matters within the institution. The result must include any sanctions imposed by the institution. Notwithstanding section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g), commonly referred to as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the result must also include the rationale for the result and the sanctions. 

A student found guilty of violating the school’s rape policy could be criminally prosecuted in the state courts  and may be placed on probation, suspended, or expelled from the school for the first offense. Any information  obtained during the school’s investigation process will be shared with any parallel law enforcement  investigation upon receipt of a court subpoena of the school’s records.  

The school will protect the confidentiality of the victim(s) in accordance with the law. In some cases, the school  may need to disclose some information about a victim to a third party to provide necessary accommodations  or protective measures. The school will only disclose information that is necessary to provide the  accommodations or protective measures requested and will carefully consider who may have access to this  information to minimize the risk to a victim’s con!dentiality. The school will inform the victim before sharing  personally identifiable information about him or her and only if it is necessary to provide an accommodation  or protective measure. Compliance with these provisions of the Violence Against Women Act does not  constitute a violation of Section 444 of the General Education Provision Act (20U.S.C. 1232g), commonly  referred to as the Family Education Rights to Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). 

Any student or employee who reports to the school that he or she has been a victim of rape, whether the  offense occurred on or off campus, shall be provided with a written explanation of the student’s or employee’s  rights and options. No officer, employee, or agent of the school shall retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce,  or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising his or her rights or responsibilities under any  provision of the Violence Against Women Act. 

Campus Security 

The school does not have individual campus security. All crimes are reported to the local police department  for investigation and action on school premises or vicinity. We encourage all students and employees to timely  report all crimes to the School Director, who will promptly contact the local  authorities to address the issue. Victims and witnesses are encouraged to report crimes, but it is solely on a  voluntary basis. If you are a witness to the crime, contact 911 for immediate assistance, and, if you feel it is safe  to intervene on behalf of the victim, do so in the presence of others, if possible, or call out to the perpetrator  that you have contacted the police and indicate that they are on their way; do not put yourself in danger as  well.  

If you are a victim of a sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking at this institution or o# the school premises, your !rst priority should be to get to a place of safety. You should then obtain necessary  medical treatment. 

In the event of a rape or sexual violence on campus:  

  1. Remain calm. 

  2. Calm the victim; notify the School Director. 

  3. Inform the victim that he or she has the option to notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities, including the local police and for medical assistance. If the victim wants the School Director to notify the authorities, he or she will call (911) for medical assistance and to alert the police. The School Director and a representative from the police department will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision, including where applicable, restraining orders, orders for protection, no-contact orders, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal or civil court. If a victim chooses not to file a police report at the time of the incident, we recommend that the victim use  a forensic nurse, who would conduct a forensic examination to preserve evidence in case the victim seeks  to !le criminal charges or obtain a restraining order at a later date. If the victim chooses to use a forensic  examination, it does not require him or her to subsequently file a police report. Please contact the School  Director for information on where to obtain the services of a forensic nurse.  

  4. The school encourages victims of sex offenses to seek professional counseling. The school will ensure that the victim has access to free con!dential counseling from counselors specifically trained in the area of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and crisis intervention, as well as health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student !nancial aid, and other services available for victims both in the school and the community.


Reporting Crime to the School Community 

In accordance with the Clery Act, schools must provide timely warnings in response to crimes that pose a  continuing threat to the school campus. These warnings must be provided in a manner that is timely and that  will aid in the prevention of similar crimes. Under the regulations, schools must not disclose the names and  personally identifying information of victims when issuing a timely warning. However, in some cases to  provide an effective timely warning, a school may need to provide information from which an individual  might  deduce the identity of the victim. The school will take each incident on a case-by-case basis, and will take all  necessary steps to protect the identity of the victim whenever possible.

Any records of the incident will be maintained by the School Director. Only staff members who need to know will be apprised of the name(s) of the victim(s). The school is required to publish  each year statistics for certain crimes that are reported to the school authorities or local police agencies,  including incidents of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking; however, the report  only includes incidents and not the names or identifiable information about the victim(s). 

All reported crimes must be reported. If the school has any crimes that were determined to be unfounded, the  school must disclose that information. A school may not withhold, or subsequently remove, a reported crime  from its crime statistics based on a decision by a court, coroner, jury, prosecutor, or other similar non-campus  official. Only sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel may “unfound” a crime report for purposes  of reporting under this section. The recovery of stolen property, the low value of stolen property, the refusal  of the victim to cooperate with the prosecution, and the failure to make an arrest do not “unfound” a crime  report. The school will retain any documentation that would support the “unfound” report of a crime to review  by the U.S. Department of Education. Crimes reported must indicate whether the crime was on campus, in a  non-campus building or property, or on a public property. When recording reports of stalking that include  activities in more than one calendar year, the school will record a crime statistic for each year in which the  course of conduct is reported to the local police or to the School Director. The  school will record each report of stalking as occurring at only the first location within the institution’s Clery  geography in which a perpetrator engaged in the stalking course of conduct or when the victim first became  aware of the stalking. The statistics do not require the identification of the victim or the person accused of  committing the crime. 


Fire Safety Report: 

All designated Campus Security Coordinators will go through the Campus Safety and Security Reporting  Training Moule in January each year to stay abreast of changes to the regulations.

As a part of the U.S. Department of Education’s reporting requirements, we are required to notify our student body  of any !res that have occurred on our campus. Should you have any questions regarding our statistics or policies,  please see the School Director for assistance. 

A copy of our fire safety report is provided to the U.S. Department of Education yearly and to our students at the  time of enrollment and by October 1 of each year. 

The school does not have on-campus housing, so we do not have any fire statistics to report for student housing. In event of a fire: 

  1. All occupants should proceed to the nearest available exit in an orderly, calm manner.

  2. Leave all personal belongings behind. 

  3. Assist the elderly, handicapped, and children to the nearest exit. 

  4. Do not attempt to contain the fire. Evacuate immediately and leave containment to trained professionals. 

  5.  Once safely outside, stand in a group at a safe distance from the building. Instructors will take a count to  ensure no one is still inside. 

  6. The School Director should call fire officials or delegate it to (one) person. Also he or she should notify the  other building occupants, if applicable. 

  7. When reporting the fire to the officials: 

    1. Indicate the name of the institution. 

    2. Indicate the location of the institution. 

    3. Indicate your name. 

    4. Indicate possible injuries (need for paramedics/ambulance). 

    5. Indicate the suspected cause (i.e., electrical, chemical, gas, etc.) 

    6. Remain calm and help calm others. 

The school held announced and unannounced fire drills during the last calendar year.. The school during  student orientation reviews the school’s fire safety procedures and exit plans. Emergency evacuation plans are  posted throughout the school and are reviewed with students and staff.

The school is a non-smoking facility. Students at no time should have an open $ame within the school premises.  The use of portable electrical appliances are limited to appliances used in the practice of cosmetology and  cosmetology-related services and are to be used only after training has been provided by the instructional sta# and  under instructional supervision. 

If a fire should occur, please pull the fire alarm and inform the nearest sta# member who in turn will notify 

the School Director. The School Director will call 911 to alert the local fire department.


The school has an effective plan for the implementation of fire safety and evaluates it yearly. At this  time, the school has no plans to make any changes to its policy or procedure. 


I acknowledge that I have read and understand the policies and procedures explicated in this document titled:  

“Campus Safety and Security Policy and Fire Safety Report.” I also acknowledge that I accept the conditions and  responsibilities outlined within this document. 

Signature of Student/Employee: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________ Signature of Director: _______________________________________Date: __________________________

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